Saturday, June 24, 2006

Uneventful week

So, a week has gone by since MTI, and I don't feel like I've accomplished much. I signed my contract for Loneman, I received my diploma, I bought thank you cards for people who have supported me and I wasted some time at the baseball park. Hmm, sounds pretty productive, huh? Let's see, today for example, my mom and I went down to the river to watch the air show at Thunder. Then, we went by the park. I later came home, picked up the kiddos I was watchin, then headed back to the park for the fireworks. I just got home a little bit ago after playing four unsuccessful games of euchre. I think that next week I really need to get started on packing and getting my stuff together. It'll be time to leave before I know it! Exciting! Kinda scary....Please pray!


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